Tuesday, December 23, 2008

.: the precious stone :.

8.00am earth time (ET).

Recently, alieness is facing a lot of pressure from her surrounding. Looks like some of the earthling in the environment not so happy with her. They tend to probe alieness' routine, to find alieness' weaknesses and flaws.

Yesterday, alieness had a quarrel with this one earthling. The one that alieness would change to a trashbin, should alieness has such a magical power. The earthling is trying to avoid to be responsible of his doing. Nah! small matter. Alieness will always back to the basic, to where it starts, and the earthling will never have any chance to win. Anyway, the earthling managed to contribute some to alieness' pressure list.

Sometimes, the alieness find herself trapped in a mounting pressure. Sometimes, alieness would feel like giving up all the things that she's doing.

Suddenly, alieness have her eyes pointed on her ring-finger, where she wears a knot-tying-band, with a precious stone on it.

Yes, what makes diamonds a diamond? It takes a lot-lot-lot-lot-lot of pressure for a carbon becoming a diamond. Else, the carbon is just a black-earth's mineral-material, where no earthling (even aliens.. hehehe) will have a second look at it.

So, be it. Alieness knows, one day, if she strong enough to manage all the pressures, she will also be as precious as diamond - it's just she hopes that she wont end on anybody's knot-tying-band!! Huhu.

8.15am ET.
Diamonds are forever.


OP Zaharin said...

hahaha :P

alieness said...

hi hi hi.

diamonds are forever, so, kalau nak idup forever, jadik lah diamond,..