Thursday, December 10, 2009

.: the long-pause :.

10th December 2009 earth calendar (EC)
2.02pm earth time (ET).

11-times of moon's earth-orbiting-routine it has been. alieness was simply blended with a paused. a pretty long paused. lots and lots of things had happened.

the earthling colony where she spent almost 18-times of moon's earth-orbiting-routine, alieness has left. alieness is now struggling to find the new colony.

the cub, the cute cute cute cub has been sent to where it belongs. may the cub find its true happiness there. the cub will learn new thing, meet new other earthling cubs, surround by new smell of fresh air.

the nest, where alieness spent listening to the most of ticking sound from the device called clock with her earthling-mate, will be abandoned. alieness will soon infesting the new nest in the new earthling colony. a bigger, comfy nest.

ah. more more and more routine has changed during the long paused. alieness is now fully adapt with it. nevertheless, alieness hopes that there'll be more to surprise her. a good one she hopes. the one that worth to wait. she prays for it. for the one that worth to wait.

10th December 2009 EC at 2.17pm ET.
silence is a virtue, earthlings say.

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